Payment / Dispatch


In ROVAK ONLINESTORE you can pay with:

Payment in advance


We send our goods depend on weight within Germany at the following conditions:

Bis 5 Kg 12,09 €
5 Kg bis 10 Kg 12,50 €
10 Kg bis 20 Kg 18,50 €
Ab 20 Kg 32,00 €


The deliveries abroad occurs under the following conditions:

  Austria Italy Switzerland
Bis 5 Kg 17,00 € 25,00 € 28,00 €
Bis 10 Kg 20,00 € 28,00 € 33,00 €
Bis 20 Kg 24,00 € 34,00 € 38,00 €
Ab 20 Kg 40,00 € 45,00 € 50,00 €